News & Articles By Arsenio Toledo
By Arsenio Toledo
3 Benefits of using a motorcycle as your bug-out vehicle
When SHTF, you may need to bug out of your immediate location. You can do so on foot or in a car, but these two travel methods won’t be good options if many other people in your area are also trying to get away from a disaster on foot or using their own cars. Consider […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Prepper firearms and gear: Considerations for efficient and safe concealed carry
There are plenty of good reasons to carry a concealed firearm. Having a firearm on you not only makes you more attentive to your surroundings, but a study even suggests that people with concealed carry permits are more law-abiding than non-firearm wielding individuals. And, of course, a firearm can help you protect yourself and others […]
By Arsenio Toledo
SHTF essentials: Don’t forget to learn these 6 commonly overlooked survival skills
Survival skills tend to focus on being able to gather supplies such as food, water and medicine from alternative sources. These are great skills to have, as they can teach you how to hunt and forage for food, properly filter and purify water and perform basic first aid. However, these aren’t the only survival skills […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Interested in the ultimate survival weapon? Get an AR-15
Having a personal defense weapon is an important factor in prepping. When it comes to survival weapons, there may be nothing that can compare to the AR-15. Here are four reasons why you should get an AR-15. (h/t to Lethal and optimal for close- and medium-range shootouts FBI ballistics tests show that the AR-15, when chambered […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Prepping with kids: What to teach them about natural disasters
As a prepper, you may have at least the very basic idea of what to do during natural disasters. During a volcanic eruption, you run away as far as you can from the volcano; during a storm, you seek shelter on high ground; during an earthquake, you duck and cover. However, not everyone may know what […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Firearm prepping: The 3 best guns to keep for self-protection
Your home is your safe space, and it must be protected with the best gear out there. A restraining order, a can of pepper spray or a knife won’t be enough to save you and your family from a determined and armed home intruder. To properly defend yourself, you will need a firearm. Here are […]
By Arsenio Toledo
How to prep if you’re bugging in when SHTF
Preparing for a SHTF scenario can be a daunting task, but the first question you must ask before you start prepping is whether you’re going to bug in or bug out. If a disaster is impending and you don’t have a lot of time to gather your belongings and get out of dodge, you may […]
By Arsenio Toledo
The best bug-out locations for preppers in the Eastern U.S.
Disaster can strike anywhere – now might be a good time to consider bugging out, and looking for good bug-out locations, especially if you’re living in the Eastern United States. Geographically speaking, it’s a prime location to set up your own homestead. Here are four areas in the Eastern United States to consider as retreat […]
By Arsenio Toledo
5 Must-haves for your bug-out vehicle
When SHTF and you believe that your best option for surviving is to bug out in your RV, then your vehicle needs to turn into your home away from home. But you also have to make sure your home on wheels remains well-stocked with the essentials. Here are five things that you definitely need for […]
By Arsenio Toledo
5 Emergency items you should always have on hand
For a lot of people, the idea of carrying a fully-packed bug-out bag wherever they go just isn’t practical. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared for disaster all the time. If you carry certain items with you at all times, those can increase your chances of making it through SHTF scenarios. Here are five […]
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