News & Articles By Arsenio Toledo
By Arsenio Toledo
8 Pillars of the survival protocol that every prepper needs to master
A good prepper will take into account eight certain factors during any survival scenario. These factors are called the “eight pillars of the survival protocol,” and they are especially crucial for surviving out in the wild. These pillars are shelter, water, food, fire, health, communication, security and navigation. Here are the reasons why those factors are very […]
By Arsenio Toledo
14 Reasons you’ll still need money after SHTF
A lot of survivalists think that money may not be useful when SHTF. While there’s some truth to focusing your efforts in learning survival skills and fortifying your stores of preparedness foods, money can still be useful during survival scenarios. Here are 14 reasons why money will still be useful to you after SHTF. (h/t […]
By Arsenio Toledo
12 Cheap tools any prepper should have in their survival kit
Survival kits can vary from prepper to prepper. However, what each kit should always have is a set of tools. These tools can range from utensils to a hammer and a screwdriver. Here are 12 cheap tools that a prepper should have to help make the survival journey easier. (h/t to Small pry bar A […]
By Arsenio Toledo
3 Skills that will help you survive TEOTWAWKI
Stockpiling can only take you so far. You can hoard as much food and water as you can, store as much gas as you want and buy as much ammunition as you can carry, but at the end of the day when you don’t have the skills required to efficiently use your supplies, everything you’ve gathered will be […]
By Arsenio Toledo
A prepper’s mindset: 4 Ways to make prepping part of your daily life
Prepping isn’t for everybody; it takes a lot of time and investment to pull off. However, preparing for emergencies and disasters is a necessary undertaking if you want to make it out alive. If prepping isn’t your cup of tea, there are ways for you to get into the mindset of a prepper. These can […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Bugging out basics: A realistic look at picking the right bug-out vehicle
When planning to bug out, you may already have an idea of where you want to go. However, how you’re going to get there might not be so clear. That’s why, if your finances permit it, you should invest in a bug-out vehicle as early as possible. In fact, a bug-out vehicle should be one […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Prepping for the unexpected: What to do before, during and after a sudden disaster
Every year, natural disasters kill around 90,000 people and affect nearly 160 million more worldwide. Just a few days ago, the Taal volcano in the Philippines blew out clouds of volcanic ash over 62 miles north, covering much of the island of Luzon, including the capital city of Manila, in a thin layer of ash. In the same vein, […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Securing documents before SHTF: Useful preps for daily life
One thing you may not think about when prepping for an emergency is securing your personal documents. Having copies of your birth and marriage certificates tucked away in a binder, as well as digitally scanned and stored in cloud storage or an external drive, are good ways to secure your documents. If you haven’t prepared […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Protect your property when SHTF: Perimeter defense tips for your homestead
If your post-SHTF plan involves bugging in, you must consider how well you can defend your home against possible threats. This means you have to strengthen your home’s defenses. Adding surveillance systems, physical barriers and traps to your defensive perimeter is all well and good, but you must also consider your own personal armament. (h/t to […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Prevent dehydration when SHTF by learning how to find and purify water
In a post-SHTF world, you won’t survive a week without drinking water. That makes having clean water one of your first priorities. In fact, spending too much of your energy looking for food instead of water might get you killed. To find out where your nearest source of water is, look to nature. Trees and other […]
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