News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
PREPARE FOR WAR: Trump activates one million military reservists as nation prepares for mass combat casualties
We hate to break it to you, but the Wuhan coronavirus biological weapon system release was just the opening salvo in a global war that might see the US invaded by foreign troops, led by the communist-run United Nations which have long sought to eliminate national sovereignty from the world stage. On Friday, with little […]
By Mike Adams
Dear clueless America: You are now living under the tyranny you deserve, for you said nothing when the Big Tech censors came for the truth-tellers who warned you this would happen
This article is not directed at our regular readers, but rather the oblivious, brainwashed masses who are now living under the tyranny they helped create. By failing to speak out against the coordinated, malicious censorship carried out by the communist-infiltrated tech giants, these people allowed our world to plunge into the very darkness and mass […]
By Mike Adams
The grasshoppers are swarming mad that you are prepared for the crash, by Brandon Smith
Another outstanding article from Brandon Smith at, who nails it in this description of why the unprepared masses are furious at those who saved money and prepared in advance. The Grasshoppers Are Swarming Mad That You Are Prepared For The Crash by Brandon Smith, Most people are familiar with the tale of the […]
By Mike Adams
OBLIVIOUS: People are telling me they are “fully prepared” because they have 2-3 weeks of food… later this year, these people will be eating each other
There’s a tipping point beyond which it’s pointless to try to teach people to embrace a preparedness mindset. And that tipping point has already passed. Now, those who don’t understand preparedness will face starvation, disease and death (not to mention financial collapse, but that’s another article altogether). Over the last several days, I’ve been called […]
By Mike Adams
A high-level government source warned me TWO YEARS AGO that US cities would be locked down under quarantine… here’s the stunning proof this was all planned years ago
In late November of 2017, a high-level government-connected source described to me almost the exact scenario that is unfolding now across America: Quarantined cities, the collapse of food supplies, the acceleration of martial law and other shocking details you may have forgotten you read here on this website over two years ago. I published all […]
By Mike Adams
Many food and materials providers have stopped answering their phones: Urgent food supply podcast update from Mike Adams
For those who don’t work in the commercial food and supplements industries, you may not yet know exactly how bad the situation has become due to the Wuhan coronavirus. The supply lines are not merely stressed, many have collapsed. And as we’ve now discovered, large suppliers are no longer functioning and have stopped answering their […]
By Mike Adams
Dr. Paul Cottrell: 165 million Americans will be infected, 6.9 million will DIE from covid-19 in the next 20 months
In this really important interview of Dr. Paul Cottrell by Stefan Molyneux — who for some reason still hasn’t been banned by YouTube — Dr. Cottrell discuses a number of super important topics related to the coronavirus. I’m a fan of Stefan Molyneux, as you might expect since I enjoy being intellectually stimulated by intelligent, […]
By Mike Adams
URGENT alert: Financial system collapsing, food supply collapsing, hyperinflation coming, guns and ammo wiped out, military martial law plans leaked… details
Keeping this very short, as things are developing very rapidly. If you can’t handle the reality of this situation, don’t read the following overview. To those who can’t handle words, you need to accelerate your adjustment curve or you won’t survive: We are upgrading our preparedness recommendations to 18 months of food and critical supplies. […]
By Mike Adams
BREAKING: Federal government to control and oversee grocery distribution with govt / private sector partnerships: Wal-Mart, Costco, Target, Kroger, top grocery chains to be deemed “critical infrastructure” … National Guard to protect key distribution points
Breaking news alert – – The US federal government is in the planning stage of implementing a plan to protect and control grocery distribution across the United States via public / private partnerships with top grocery chains such as Wal-Mart, Kroger, HEB (Texas), Target, Costco, etc., high-level sources now tell Natural News. The effort […]
By Mike Adams
GET READY: Ten new predictions covering what will happen in America over the next 12 weeks due to the coronavirus
Two days ago, Alex Jones called me, “The Oracle” on his show and the name sort of stuck. It turns out that when you run good mathematical projection models, you really can sort of “see the future” to the astonishment of many. In truth, I’m just running the numbers and reporting what the math tells […]
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