News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
TYRANNY ALERT: Virginia to OUTLAW Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, kickboxing, Tai Chi, firearms instruction and self-defense training under proposed law SB64
The State of Virginia, now entirely run by truly insane Democrats who support infanticide and child murder, is proposing a new 2020 law known as SB64 (see link here) which will be taken up by the Democrat-run Senate beginning January 8, 2020. The law would instantly transform all martial arts instructors into criminal felons. This […]
By Mike Adams
Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down
The lawless, deranged Democrats have already launched a hot civil war against conservatives and Trump supporters by targeting them for physical violence in restaurants and other public places. They’ve published the home addresses of Trump donors, and they’ve called for the mass killing of all conservatives, Christians, Trump supporters and gun owners. Civil war is […]
By Mike Adams
ALERT: Antifa puppetmasters to engineer “patriot” slaughter of Leftists to spark violent uprising against conservatives
Antifa is “mobbing up” for an engineered chaos event, according to multiple eyewitness accounts of Antifa activities at public events such as Trump rallies. This coincides with accelerated mainstream media calls for Trump to be removed from power or arrested, along with an explosion in pop culture messaging that calls for Trump to be hogtied, […]
By Mike Adams
U.S. Marines reserve units activated for “emergency within the United States” which “will come with little warning” – cites “threats in the Homeland”
BREAKING NEWS UPDATE concerning a directive involving the United States Marine Corps reserve units via MARADMINS number 550/19, signed on Oct. 3, 2019, authorized by Brigadier General Daniel L. Shipley, Director, Manpower Plans and Policy. Notably, Brigadier General Daniel L. Shipley was nominated by President Trump for the rank of major general, according to a […]
By Mike Adams
The hierarchy of deep state escalation that will end in the attempted assassination of President Trump and engineered terrorism across America
The deep state is at war with America. The CIA is running an attempted coup, and all the CIA’s puppet “journalists” (actually nothing more than CIA-run media hacks) are all-in. The Democrats are betting everything that they can remove Trump from office and somehow avoid a popular uprising that would likely see millions of armed […]
By Mike Adams
The collapse will be LOCAL: Former military intelligence, special forces veterans explain why your proximity to left-wing cities may determine your fate
With all the talk about the risk for civil war in America — and the new Nancy Pelosi push for impeachment that will drive America into more conflict — it’s crucial to realize how your proximity to left-wing population density hubs will largely determine your fate. Over the last several months, I’ve been asking many […]
By Mike Adams
CENSORED video reveals how to prepare anodized 80% lower receivers for milling in the Ghost Gunner
The Ghost Gunner is an amazing machine. It mills 80% lower receivers into 100% status, allowing you to build your own AR15 at home, in accordance with your right to keep and bear arms. (Note: Follow all local laws. The Ghost Gunner is currently illegal in New Jersey.) Users of the Ghost Gunner device mistakenly […]
By Mike Adams
Liberalism functions almost exactly like a cancer tumor… and YOU are America’s immune system
Cancer tumors are highly destructive and eventually kill their hosts, but before achieving that end goal, they grow themselves by hijacking resources from the body through a process called angiogenesis. This process involves building blood vessels and piping blood nutrients to the tumor, siphoning off resources that the body needs to fight cancer and stay […]
By Mike Adams
Five reasons why Trump will lose the 2020 election (or could WIN if this happens instead…)
President Trump will lose the 2020 election if the five things covered here are allowed to continue. They include illegal immigration and widespread censorship of conservative voices by the tech giants. If Trump does nothing to stop the censorship, the tech giants will succeed in stealing the election, which will catalyze a civil war as […]
By Mike Adams
New survival gear videos from the Health Ranger: Muddy pistols, knife skills and “smart” self-defense training
Part of my promise to reader is to not only share wisdom about nutritional healing and disease prevention, but also help you stay healthy and alive during collapse scenarios that may place you at risk of personal injury or assault. The No. 1 best tool for self-defense that can aid adults of any age is […]
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