News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
REAL Self-Defense Episode 2 now live at
Hot on the heels of Episode 1 of REAL Self-Defense (the Joy of Shooting), we’ve now published Episode 2, which features a gear review of what gear you need to practice self-defense shooting skills at the range… even if you’re a total beginner when it comes to gun skills. Future episodes focus on hands-on skills […]
By Mike Adams launches self-defense how-to gun training series featuring former Navy SEAL and U.S. Marine combat instructor
It has finally arrived. Not only is now working in beta mode, serving up over a thousand videos (so far, with tens of thousands coming), but now we’re launching a new series called “Real Self-Defense / The Joy of Shooting,” a 7-part how-to training video series that features live fire training with a former […]
By Mike Adams
The truth about the Santa Fe school shooting in Texas (video)
Want to know the truth about the Santa Fe, Texas school shooting? Watch my Counterthink video to learn: The common things we almost always discover about school shooters The link between psychiatric drugs and violent behavior Why most school shooters have been bullied by classmates and school staff Why school shooters often have a history […]
By Mike Adams The pro-liberty answer to YouTube censorship is now less than 60 days away from launch is launching in less than 60 days. It’s a free “YouTube alternative” that protects free speech and provides video content creators with a platform to participate in news, conversations and public debate. Notably, YouTube, Google, Facebook and Twitter are now aggressively banning all conservative speech, somehow believing that “diversity” is achieved through the censorship […]
By Mike Adams
High school sophomore video goes viral: Watch him intelligently explain why anti-gun students are ignorant, historically illiterate and dangerous to our freedoms
The lying fake news media wants you to believe that all students demand immediate gun control. But that’s false, of course. In truth, the media is censoring pro-liberty students and denying them any right to be heard. But some young students are taking matters into their own hands and speaking out through Twitter and other […]
By Mike Adams
Left-wing terror group Antifa responsible for deadly Amtrak derailment? Alt-left terror group has disturbing history of railway sabotage
Antifa is a radical anti-Trump, left-wing terrorism group that has been praised by CNN and the left-wing media, and now it looks likely that Antifa was responsible for the Amtrak train derailment south of Seattle, Washington which has so far killed at least six people and injured nearly eighty. (See evidence, below.) (Follow all the […]
By Mike Adams
CHAOS ALERT: Dem leader calls for deploying UN troops on the streets of America
And so it begins. Apparently oblivious to the fact that Democrat policies have driven the city of Chicago into a state of near-collapse, Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin is now calling for United Nations “peacekeeping” troops to be stationed on the streets of America. As you’ll hear in the video below, Boykin says that UN […]
By Mike Adams
ALERT: North Korea can now KILL 90% of the U.S. population (video lecture)
North Korea has now demonstrated the ability to strike nearly every major city in the United States with either a nuclear warhead or a high-altitude EMP weapon. At risk are hundreds of millions of Americans who would find themselves at very high risk of being killed in the aftermath of an EMP attack due to […]
By Mike Adams
President Trump saves the elephants of Zimbabwe: Big game hunting trophy ban to remain in place
Believe it or not, the murder of elephants with hunting rifles is routinely called “conservation” by government regulators. (Note carefully that human depopulation is also being promoted as a way to “save the planet” these days.) After government bureaucrats at the US Fish and Wildlife department announced a recent decision to allow big game “trophies” […]
By Mike Adams
Survival 101: How to find effective cover in a mass shooting
According to numerous media reports stemming from the Las Vegas mass shooting, concert-goers were blocked from fleeing and had little or no cover to protect them from the full-auto machine gun fire raining down on them. In desperation, some sought cover in porta-potties, according to media reports. Yet porta-potties are thin fiberglass structures that don’t […]
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