News & Articles By Jayson Veley
By Jayson Veley
FBI impersonates journalists to film fake documentary to depict the Bundy family as nut jobs; liberal media cheers
If you’re involved in politics to some degree or even if you have a habit of tuning into the news a few times each week, chances are you have heard of Cliven Bundy, the cattle rancher from Nevada known for instigating the “Bundy Standoff” in 2014. What began as a simple protest against a change […]
By Jayson Veley
Amazon is annihilating so many local retailers that when the SHTF, the local retail infrastructure will be long gone
The younger generation may or may not know this, but at one time there were hundreds of video stores across the country called Blockbuster. On a Friday or Saturday night, it was common for people to go to Blockbuster and rent a VHS movie in a way that was similar to how one checks out […]
By Jayson Veley
Google “smart cities” could lead to violations of privacy rights and the infringement of your liberty
What would a city that was designed entirely by Google look like? Chances are, there would be more technology in one city block than many people have ever seen in their entire life. Virtually everything would be connected through a web of Internet connections and data streams, which could both make peoples’ lives more convenient […]
By Jayson Veley
Black student groups now resorting to terrorism tactics to make insane demands from university administrators
A black student group at the University of California, Santa Cruz recently occupied a campus building and refused to leave until the school administration complied with all of their demands. The school was given four months to meet all of the demands, or else “more reclamations” would result. (RELATED: College students are the new extortionists: […]
By Jayson Veley
Dangerous leftists are preparing for an armed confrontation with Trump supporters
It turns out that many of the same liberals who were cheering on Barack Obama’s proposed gun control measures are now staunch Second Amendment advocates during the era of Donald Trump. How convenient. The Phoenix John Brown Gun Club is a left-wing “militia” group that has as its main objective the harassment and intimidation of […]
By Jayson Veley
YouTube is targeting gun content in hopes of shutting down the First Amendment
It often feels as though the entirety of the Internet is nothing more than a string of websites and organizations that exist to silence conservative thought and opinion. Last May, for instance, Facebook came under fire for allegedly suppressing conservative news in the “trending topics” section of the website. Colin Stretch, general counsel at Facebook, […]
By Jayson Veley
Google, Facebook algorithms a whole new kind of “Orwellian censorship,” warns News Corp CEO
We all learned in grade school that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the freedom of speech for all Americans. What some people may not know, however, is the historical context behind freedom of speech. Like most other amendments in the Bill of Rights, the right to speak freely and openly was […]
By Jayson Veley
Spy agencies gathering dirt on public officials in effort to blackmail politicians who oppose the globalist agenda
Earlier this month, it was revealed that Susan Rice, the former National Security Advisor under Barack Obama, made dozens of requests for intelligence on Trump associates. The intelligence reports that Rice was able to obtain were summaries of monitored conversations, some of which involved direct contact between foreign officials and members of Trump’s team. Naturally, […]
By Jayson Veley
Declassified list reveals U.S. targets Russia’s high density population centers with nuclear weapons… Russia likely does the same for the USA
There is an ongoing debate over whether the existence of nuclear weapons makes America a safer place or whether it puts our country in harm’s way. For the most part, the debate falls along party lines – that is to say, Republicans generally believe that maintaining a nuclear stockpile is necessary, while Democrats, including the […]
By Jayson Veley
FLASHBACK: Russia has “Satan 2” nuclear missiles that can wipe out an entire area the size of Texas
It’s strange, but for some reason, millions of Americans, including many members of the Republican Party, seem to have developed a bizarre infatuation for Russia and Vladimir Putin. This is odd, considering the fact that Putin has a long dark history of corruption, theft and murder. Not surprisingly, it has recently been revealed that the […]
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