News & Articles By Zoey Sky
By Zoey Sky
The 7 best dog breeds for survival and protection
Through the years, dogs have constantly proven why they deserve to be called “man’s best friend.” They’re affectionate, dependable, protective, and smart, making them the perfect companion to have when SHTF. (h/t to However, there are many different dog breeds to choose from. They all have various pros and cons but if you’re not sure […]
By Zoey Sky
The top 3 ways a burglar will break into a home
Preppers know that crimes can be prevented by prioritizing home security. But before you take measures to secure your property from thieves and burglars, you need to know that they usually break into a home using three common entry points: the front door, a window, and the back door. (h/t to Tips on how to […]
By Zoey Sky
How to safely store cash in your home
As a prepper, you need to keep backups for your backup plans, like a food and water cache. The same goes for your emergency funds, which could be crucial when SHTF. (h/t to Tips for hiding money before SHTF Keep in mind that you need to take every precaution you can to secure your hard-earned […]
By Zoey Sky
The two types of preppers and what each one can teach you about survival
To an outsider, the prepping lifestyle may seem paranoid and unnecessary. But if you’re curious about the world of preppers, keep an open mind so you can learn crucial skills from two common types: the homesteaders and the survivalists. (h/t to Common homesteader skills and traits Homesteaders value self-sufficiency and this lifestyle is characterized by […]
By Zoey Sky
Debunking common myths about using a shotgun for home defense
When it comes to home defense, shotguns are one of the most popular weapons. However, they’re also one of the most misunderstood. Whether you’re a prepper, a gun enthusiast, or someone who’s simply interested in using a shotgun for home defense, below are some debunked myths and confirmed realities about this versatile weapon. (h/t to […]
By Zoey Sky
Why shotshells are an important item to have for long-term survival
If your survival stockpile is secure enough to keep your family fed for a long-term disaster scenario, that’s one less thing to worry about. But have you thought about how you’re going to keep your family safe in a post-SHTF world? If you’re not sure what to do when it comes to guns and ammo, […]
By Zoey Sky
These important items deserve a place in every bug-out bag
If you’re just starting your journey as a prepper, you need to familiarize yourself with the bug-out bag (BOB). The backpack for your BOB should be sturdy and the items in it must cover your basic needs for at least 72 hours after you evacuate from a survival scenario. (h/t to Deciding what to […]
By Zoey Sky
Other places to hide your money besides under the mattress
In a post-SHTF, money may not be an immediate concern. However, if you’re dealing with a minor emergency or a localized survival situation, such as a natural or man-made disaster, you can benefit from having some extra cash on hand. (h/t to But how do you securely hide money in your home or property? […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepping skills that teach kids self-sufficiency
Prepping is a multi-faceted way of living. Not many people are aware that survivalists incorporate prepping into many aspects of their life, like mental health and even parenting. In fact, you can teach your children some of the skills listed below to encourage self-sufficiency, which is a crucial quality for your kids to have when […]
By Zoey Sky
10 Survival uses of a water canteen
Even if you’re a seasoned prepper, you can still lose access to your survival gear in a SHTF situation. But if you learn how to use multipurpose tools, you can survive even if the only thing you have with you is a water canteen. (h/t to Boiling or cooking container You can use a metal […]
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