By Zoey Sky
10 Prepper skills that will help improve your street-smarts
If you’re a prepper, you need to learn various skills and be street smart to help improve your chances of surviving when SHTF. (h/t to Here are 10 things you can do to improve your street-smarts before disaster strikes. Don’t draw attention to yourself The best way to avoid unwanted attention is not to draw […]
By Mary Villareal
Emergency preparedness: Do you have a tent in your bug-out gear?
Camping is a fun and relaxing way to tap out and spend time with nature. But it can also prepare you for real emergencies, especially when you find yourself in an SHTF situation where you have to leave your home. In cases like this, preparation is crucial to maintaining your health, comfort and safety. One of the […]
By Ramon Tomey
6 Must-have foods in times of crisis
Most foods available in grocery stores are not made for long periods of storage, which means they should be consumed within a certain period of time. However, times of crisis such as natural disasters often come unannounced. Aside from natural disasters, rising food prices also threaten to make most food items way above most people’s […]
By Divina Ramirez
How to use plants to maintain personal hygiene even when SHTF
Soap, shampoo and toothpaste are just some of the products that people use daily to keep themselves clean, yet preppers and survivalists often take these personal hygiene items for granted. Naturally, they’d be too concerned about making it out alive when disaster strikes or when SHTF to think about the importance of such items. But […]
By Divina Ramirez
Prepper projects: 4 DIY reflector ovens that are easy to make
A reflector oven is an antique cooking apparatus that has recently made a comeback, thanks to its efficiency and convenience – especially when it comes to prepping. Because of its compact and portable nature, even the most basic or crude reflector oven allows you to cook over an open fire efficiently. A reflector oven allows you […]
By Divina Ramirez
Emergency preparedness: All-season transportation options in a post-SHTF world
When SHTF, getting from one place to another might be harder than usual. For instance, if almost everyone in your area is trying to drive away to safety, then expect heavy traffic to delay your evacuation as well. Law enforcement officers may also want to check vehicles on their way out, thereby worsening traffic. Certain disasters, such as earthquakes and […]
By Mary Villareal
DIY prepper supplies: How to make non-toxic foaming hand soap
Foaming hand soap is easy and affordable to make, and kids may even have more fun using it to wash their hands more diligently. DIY hand soaps are also a good way to remove more toxic chemicals from your home. Store-bought hand soaps contain harsh chemicals and compounds, and even endocrine disruptors that can lead […]
By Virgilio Marin
Survival dogs: 6 Best breeds for protection
There are pros and cons to bringing a dog to survival situations. Dogs warn you of hidden threats, deter incoming attackers, aid in hunting and provide companionship. On the downside, they make unwanted noises and require extra food and water. Some breeds can also slow you down when bugging out because they are not accustomed to the rough terrain. The […]
By Mary Villareal
How to light your way after an EMP event
For many people, it’s difficult to imagine what an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event could do to modern society. People are, after all, dependent on electronics and power grids to supply them with energy. An EMP event may throw humanity back to the Stone Age, but it’s more likely to turn off the lights – for good. If […]
By Divina Ramirez
Prepping tips: What you can learn from the rich on preparing for SHTF events
Disaster and emergency preparedness have increased in popularity recently. No longer are you considered odd for stocking up on food, water and other essentials, especially if you live in a region where disasters are an ever-present risk. But everyday preppers are not the only ones making sure they have enough resources to survive disasters. Wealthy people are […]
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