01/10/2021 / By Mike Adams
The fascist techno-tyranny purge against humanity is under way.
Rep. Devin Nunes has called for the arrest of all the Big Tech CEOs, demanding they be charged with criminal racketeering and civil rights violations.
The CCP-led effort to take down America is now under way. Internet outages are already happening, and power grid failures are being reported around the world (Pakistan, the Vatican, Paris, Berlin, etc.). The Marxist Left will shortly unleash death squads across the country to seek out and execute all conservatives they can find. (See my podcast below: First they silence you, then they disarm you, then they KILL you.)
Apple, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Vimeo, Pinterest, Mailchimp and other tech giants are all committing treason against America. All their top managers and CEOs should be arrested and charged with treason. Their entire operations should be seized and shuttered, with their assets seized and distributed to all those who have been censored for the last five years.
We call upon Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to immediately order the State Dept. to seize the domain names of Apple.com, Google.com, YouTube.com, Twitter.com, Facebook.com, Vimeo.com, Pinterest.com and other techno-tyrants now involved in this fascist conspiracy to take down the United States of America. All these corporations were part of the rigging of the elections as well. They are enemy combatants engaged in acts of cyber warfare against the United States.
Many suspect that the domain names of conservative platforms will be removed from all DNS servers worldwide. This would make it impossible for anyone to reach a website via their usual domain name such as NaturalNews.com.
For this reason, we have set up an offshore backup emergency IP website that will carry out emergency audio and text messages as the global takedown accelerates.
WRITE THIS DOWN. You can enter this into your browser to reach our backup site:
We have also launched a Telegram channel to carry emergency alerts. Here’s the URL for Telegram:
Additionally, we run our own email servers so we cannot be deplatformed by other email providers. Subscribe to our email newsletter immediately, at this link:
I will continue to post daily podcast updates at Brighteon.com, at the Health Ranger Report channel, but Brighteon may be taken down by the DNS purge, and we do not have an IP address backup for Brighteon:
I am also posting on Brighteon.social, which is being expanded with additional servers to handle the high traffic load there. My username on that platform is @HealthRanger
I am also on Parler.com at @HealthRanger but Parler, as you know, is being deplatformed by Amazon AWS later today, in the latest act of criminal treason and cyber warfare against the United States people.
I am currently scheduled to appear on the Alex Jones Show tomorrow (Monday) at 12 noon central, subject to changing circumstances of course. There, I will be talking about the criminal coup — the “online massacre” — now being unleashed against America.
Note that the silencing of conservatives is only the first step. Next, they will seek to disarm all conservatives, followed by the launching of government death squads to carry out genocide against Whites, conservatives, Christians, gun owners and Trump supporters.
I explain this in today’s urgent Situation Update podcast:
If any of our sites go down, check the alternative sites and check Telegram. Use the emergency IP backup site when necessary. We are physically secure and fighting like mad for the survival of our republic. And so is Trump. Prayers appreciated. God bless America.
Tagged Under:
banned, Big Tech, censored, Censorship, freedom, Health Ranger, Liberty, Natural.news, tech giants
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