01/29/2025 / By News Editors
Is the Orange Man good – or bad? One way to tell is by what he does – and so far, so good. He has corrected the injustices done to people who were imprisoned for years for what amounted to trespassing and disorderly conduct and also (just now) the complete injustice that was done to people who protested outside of what are styled “reproductive health care” (rather than abortion) clinics by issuing pardons to them all.
(Article by Eric republished from EricPetersAutos.com)
That thing Joe Biden used the pardon power to prevent justice being served to the likes of Dr. Fauci, Mark Miley and his own cretinous family.
The distinction matters.
Trump has also called federal workers back to work – as opposed to sitting at a home and collecting a paycheck. He has cut the WHO loose and also called out the manufactured hysteria that says the “climate” is “changing” in some apocalyptic way because we’re driving vehicles rather than devices and because cattle are “emitting” gasses, too.
He summarily ended racist policies going back to the ’60s that were imposed in the name of fighting racism but which codified federal hiring practices that gave preference to certain people on account of the color of their skin. Trump rightly called that out as racist, because it is.
He has done a great deal of good in less than a week so far.
It makes one wonder – about something that has epochal implications. It is that Trump is not just the Orange Man. He is the Binary Man – and not in the DEI sense.
Let’s go back to the events of last summer. In particular, to the event that played out in Butler, PA last summer. On that bright sunny summer day, Trump was delivering a speech at an open-air campaign stop. As everyone knows, at precisely the moment in his speech when he turned his head to the side, the .223 round fired by a would-be assassin nicked his ear rather than ended his life.
It is either miraculous – in the divine intervention sense. Or it is something else and very devilish.
What are the odds that Trump would turn his head at just that precise moment? They are probably a million to one. It suggests something more than just chance. In both a good – and a very bad – way.
If it was not a setup – if Trump didn’t turn his head as planned and on cue drop to the floor and smack a pack of ketchup against his head, emerging defiantly seconds later with “blood” tearing down the side of his head – then it is hard not to see the hand of providence in it. Which of course is exactly what would be wanted if it were a setup. Trump emerges as a fist-pumping hero with implications of divine anointing. Exactly the sort of thing that would summon both awe and righteous devotion to this servant of divine providence.
And perhaps he is a hero.
A man who narrowly escapes having his head blown off who stands up defiantly pumping his fist seconds after almost having his head blown off and when he could not possibly have known for sure whether another bullet might be headed his way is certainly heroic. It is fair to say many people would have stayed down and even pee’d themselves in similar circumstances, which is why Trump’s standing up so defiantly became so instantly iconic. If what we saw was what actually happened, then Trump is at least a heroic as Washington crossing the icy Delaware to have a go at the Hessians – an event memorialized in the famous painting accompanying this article.
If it is all true, there will be – and ought to be – paintings of this event, passed down to posterity. This man – this presidency – could prove to be more historically significant than the first presidency. It is not going too far to suggest this – given what has already happened.
Assuming, of course, that’s how it actually happened.
What if it wasn’t divine intervention but rather a choreographed kayfabe? Trump is a fan of professional wrestling, remember. He is friends with Vince McMahon, the guy who pretty much made wrestling into what it has become.
If it was that, it is very bad.
We’ll soon see which it was – for good or bad.
As the late and very great Hunter Thompson used to say: We bought the ticket – and now it’s time to take the ride.
Read more at: EricPetersAutos.com
Tagged Under:
assassination attempt, big government, conspiracy, deception, Donald Trump, faked, Orange Man, patriot, politics, presidential pardon, progress, truth, White House, Xpost
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